The Ventures - Joy: The Ventures Play the Classics (1972)
Photo: Audio Reckoning When i was a little boy of 5 or 6 years old, my father bought this album and i appreciate that he has done. I have not listenend this album from the eighties and this music doesn't survive in my memories. B ut when i looked for "Ode to Joy" on Youtube two hours ago, i saw "Melody of Joy" and when i heard it, each of the feeling that i have lived with this songs came back to me. I 'm really touched tonight and i'm serious. I think you will feel the power of "Joy", probably sigh with "In a Persian Market" and if you are a free spirit, you will think in a better world with "Melody of Joy". Okay no more words, you must listen this fantastic music: "Joy", "Melody of Joy", "In a Persian Market", "Un Bel Di" and more, much more.